Developing Student Optimism
This is one in a continuing series of educational columns about fostering environmental stewardship and leadership coordinated by ACES — The Alliance of Climate and Environmental Stewards.
It’s all about generations. Earth Care is all about generations working together toward a world that is sustainable, existing within the natural limits of the planet. Our numbers are now at over 8B, adding 1B in just the last 12 years; in 1800 it took us 123 years to get from 1B to 2B. Imagine, over 8B people using advanced technology and industry to make, use, and discard stuff that it will take decades and decades to decompose. But just because a road is long doesn’t make it impossible; we’re beginning to move in the right direction.
Examples to support that point include what happened on DEC 17th at the Environmental Open House orchestrated by the Newburyport High School and ACES allies. Over 50 students attended to learn about environmental awareness and potential internships and careers that can support our community’s sustainability. Representatives from Joppa Flats (Audubon), the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, The Trustees, Gulf of Maine Institute (GOMI), Maple Crest Farm, Storm Surge, Ipswich River Watershed Council, Our Neighbors Table, various NBPT city departments along with ACES and other groups engaged in conversation with students as Mayor Reardon mingled table-to-table to greet attendees and connect with students.
To capture what students were thinking on paper, we set up a writing challenge with a question: “Are you a pretty good writer? Help us write something. Share your thoughts on the environment and any optimism you may or may not feel.” And students responded.
Meredith B. wrote, “I’ve always wondered if climate change can ever be stopped.” Sitting next to her, Sophia M and Anna P. noted, “Everything is a choice, so choose the environmentally sustainable one.” Elise K. added in beautiful hand writing, “There is something everyone can do, big or small, to help the earth.” Someone else optimistically wrote, “Every year, more people will drive electric cars.” While Emily S. wrote, “Our earth isn’t going away so we might as well take care of it while we can.”
Levels of optimism varied, someone wrote, “Cautious optimism is good and can keep us motivated to make positive change and drive us forward.” While a sophomore wrote, “We have to make wise choices in order to protect our environment.”
An adult participant added, “I am cautiously optimistic about decreasing the use of plastics in our community. 11 million pounds of curbside trash and 5 million pounds of recycling is too much. Plastics and micro-plastics are a huge problem in our rivers, oceans, and on our coastlines.”
Aaron Smith, NHS College and Career Counselor, wrote of his family’s personal efforts: “Our family started with Black Earth [the City’s curbside compost pickup contractor] last year and we love seeing how much less trash we have each week. It’s not hard to do and helps to save the earth.” Others echoed his sentiments, “I’ve been using Black Earth composting for 5 years.”
While Ana S., a college intern and event coordinator for ACES, wrote of her career goals, “Marketing for ideas I believe worthy of investing in … in this case the environment.” Not everyone was optimistic, however, one young man wrote, “Newburyport could be underwater in 20 years.”
The overall sentiment was very positive and it was a big success, as related to us by Anthony M., Co-President of the NHS Environmental Club, who wrote: “This was a huge success as we are looking to increase the club membership and we had over a dozen new potential members sign in.”
The participation and engagement of the young men and women of Newburyport High makes ACES optimistic for our future as well. We all know it’s going to take generational work for us to become sustainable, but the upcoming generation seems realistic and motivated toward taking positive action as the only way forward. We invite hearing from anyone who is interested in helping our youth become our environmental stewards of tomorrow.
ACES believes we can make a BIG difference together. Team members invite you to stay updated on environmental matters by subscribing to our monthly newsletter via the “Join Our List” link on this page. Please consider joining our community of stewards who are committed to Make Every Day Earth Day by contacting
This educational column first appeared in The Daily News of Newburyport on December 20, 2024.