
Forever Green Newburyport

Pat Cannon shares how local shops who prioritze “being green” have made Newburyport a leader in ecotourism.
Photo by todd kent on Unsplash
Published on
April 15, 2022
Allies and Partners
The Daily News of Newburyport

Editor’s note: This is one in a continuing series of guest opinion columns about fostering environmental stewardship for our surroundings and the well-being of our planet and future generations. The series is coordinated by ACES, the Alliance of Climate and Environmental Stewards.

"A community that values the simplicity of everyday ways to all work together toward the common goal"

Being a small business owner in Newburyport, I am inspired by David Hall to focus on creating a lifestyle change of environmental sustainability. The Tannery Marketplace in Newburyport, which he developed, creates a community that makes it easy to recycle, reuse, recharge and reduce waste. It is a community that values the simplicity of everyday ways to all work together toward the common goal. With water fountains to easily refill water bottles to reduce plastics, electronic advertising boards to reduce paper products, composting and clearly labeled waste receptacles to electronic car charging, businesses support each other with awareness and action to create a more environmentally sustainable community.

I am also inspired by the Custom House Maritime Museum as they drive toward zero waste with new protocols for events. Significantly reducing waste, Eco-friendly service ware and a greater focus on re-energizing décor, etc., are critical actions of CAtCH events while managing events at the Custom House. We specialize in events where people make “being green” a priority. These inspirations and a passion for community spawned an initiative – “Forever Green Newburyport.”

As Taunya Wolfe, Greater Newburyport Chamber of Commerce director of the board describes: "Forever Green Newburyport is an annual collaborative program between the Greater Newburyport Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the City of Newburyport, both ACES allies to support environmental education, awareness and eco-tourism. We are all heartened by reading of all the progress and plans in Newburyport to build community resilience to climate change in Mayor Readon’s recent op-ed in the Daily News."

All local businesses and organizations are encouraged to participate in this community-wide initiative. Our member businesses participating in Forever Green Newburyport are conscious of the need to adopt climate and environmentally friendly promotions products, processes and business practices! We want to do our part for the planet and besides, ecotourism is a mainstay of our local economy.

Ecotourism, such as natural ecosystems, is a complex web of natural beauty and resources, gently used and providing income to the community.

Our region is lucky indeed that ecotourism provides a clean industry with employment opportunities and life style benefits for communities that focus on it as does greater Newburyport.

With an emphasis on enriching personal experiences and environmental awareness through interpretation, ecotourism promotes greater understanding and appreciation for nature, local society, and culture. It functions economically as we enjoy here to live “off and with the land and waters” in harmony with nature.

Forever Green Newburyport is promoting special events and activities from late March through late April 2022. These programs include retail store display windows, spotlighting several of our businesses that are actively engaged, education sessions featuring “how to” be more green and a collaborative calendar that spotlights community events from the end of March to Earth Day, April 22. Our mission is to support a variety of local and regional organizations that are already working hard to reduce waste and increase awareness.

Please come visit us in Newburyport this spring and summer and enjoy some of the most beautiful ecotourism activities in all of New England. You will be genuinely welcomed.

To plan for activities that one may enjoy, check out the community-wide calendar can be found at

Forever Green Newburyport will be promoted to thousands through social media and other environmentally friendly avenues.

Check out:

Pat Cannon, is the leader of CAtCH events and Forever Green Newburyport Chamber of Commerce Lead.

This column was coordinated by ACES Youth Corps member Caleb Bradshaw. To share any comments or questions, send an email to To learn more about ACES, visit

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