Stewardship Opportunity

Help Wanted to Save The Planet

Spreading the word to foster stewardship in the well-being of our planet now and for future generations.
Thanks to Corinne Kutz for sharing their work on Unsplash.
Published on
May 14, 2020
Allies and Partners
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We are looking for individuals with a passion for and experience in social media, public relations, email marketing, blogging, website editing including SEO, and other outreach to join the ACES volunteer team.
The well-being of our environment and the lives of future generations are at risk. Make a difference!  Whatever time an individual can devote to their area of interest is much appreciated. We would welcome the opportunity to have a conversation with you, or please pass this along to a friend so that they might reach out to us at
ACES is a 501(C) (3) devoted to fostering stewardship for our planet's well-being now and for future generations. Based in Newburyport, MA, we serve the surrounding area and, ultimately, our globe. We are building an alliance of collaborating organizations, businesses, governmental and educational institutions, and individuals committed to contribute to this end. Our four active initiatives will make a positive impact through collaboration among the alliance members.

Costal Trails

Rail Trails and Species Survival

by ACES Team Members
Popular Mechanics

Cutting Methane Emissions Now!

by ACES Team Members
Zazzle - Pinterest

Let’s Give Love to Mother Nature

by John Terry, PhD
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