
Building a riparian buffer along the Merrimack River

Managing stormwater runoff will mitigate pollution and flooding. See the work being done here.
Riparian Buffer NatureWorksPark
Published on
May 13, 2019
Allies and Partners
Merrimack River Watershed Council

ACES Ally, the Merrimack River Watershed Council, partnered with U.S. Forest Service to build riparian buffers along the Merrimack river.

A riparian buffer is a vegetated area (a "buffer strip",) which helps shade and partially protect a stream from the damaging impact of adjacent land uses. Such buffers play a key role in improving the water quality of streams, rivers, and lakes. They help slow down storm water runoff and provide multiple environmental benefits, including nurturing ecosystems for plants, fish, birds and mammals. ACES works with its allied network to support and advance this and similar projects.

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