
Sam Cooper

Sam Cooper

A rising Senior at the College of William and Mary, Sam is studying Accounting and Economics. He is a Vice President of the Wayne E. Gibbs Accounting Society, and an incoming Commercial Audit Associate at KPMG Boston. Sam's personal leadership style has been recognized many times at college, at his work, in the classroom, and by staff and friends. His contributions to a variety of ACES projects since joining as an intern in the summer of 2019 are a testament to his enthusiasm for environmental stewardship and playing a key role in the development of the ACES Youth Corps.

Kanner & Pintaluga

Weathering the Storm

by Sam Cooper

Report on Composting Survey in Newburyport

Understanding the Perspectives of Residents

Complete Guide To Composting

Compost for a Healthier Newburyport
Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash

Young perspectives on Earth Day, 2020

It is crucial that Earth Day be recognized for many years to come so future generations are educated about our strong, yet so fragile planet. Three Newburyport students share their perspectives on the importance of Earth Day.
Photo by Jasmin Sessler on Unsplash

As I See It: Plastic Bags are an Invasive Species

In order to promote the general welfare and safety for our future generations, the banning of plastic bags is a responsible, proactive step, as proven by the evidence above. I believe human beings should demonstrate enough care for future generations to take actions that will make a difference and not let laziness result in another ecosystem’s problem.
Photo by Katie Rodriguez on Unsplash

Youths believe more environmental stewards are needed

How youth members are feeling about the future of their climate and their generation.
Photo by Drew Dau on Unsplash

Act personally for our environment in 2022

Sam Cooper shares important lessons he has learned during his time as a Youth Corp and college student.
Photo taken by Shane Rounce
News Announcement

ACES Youth Corps Formed

A Strong Voice for Environmental Stewardship
Photo by Black Earth Composting
News Announcement

ACES Supports City’s Towards Zero Waste Program

The ACES plan has two phases in its initiative to increase composting in the city.

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