
Nancy Ledoux

Nancy Ledoux

Nancy Ledoux is a retired hospice chaplain. She learned about Extinction Rebellion from her meditation teacher and is especially drawn to its 10 Principles, including: “We welcome everyone and every part of everyone”, “We avoid blaming and shaming”, and “We value reflecting and learning.”

Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash

On Crisis and Opportunity

Extinction Rebellion (XR), an international movement to safeguard life on earth, draws parallels, noting “Both [the coronavirus and ecological crisis] reveal our global interconnectedness and vulnerability. Both require truth-telling and cooperation to reduce suffering and save lives.”

Crisis and Opportunity

Extinction Rebellion (XR), an international movement to safeguard life on earth, draws parallels, noting “Both [the coronavirus and ecological crisis] reveal our global interconnectedness and vulnerability. Both require truth-telling and cooperation to reduce suffering and save lives.”

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